Occupational Therapy
What is Occupational Therapy ?

Occupational therapy is a healthcare profession that offers a person centered approach for people of all ages, with the aim of achieving and maintaining an optimal level of autonomy, independence and participation in areas of daily life (self-care, productivity and leisure) trough meaningful and inclusive activities.
This approach provides the opportunity to enhance one's capacity for action and participation or to change one's environment to promote better integration.
Occupational therapy is based on the principle that action is a basic human need and that action has therapeutic effects that promote health.
Why occupational therapy at home ?

To Achieve greater autonomy and independence in daily life activities (work home leisure)
Lifestyle analysis
Rehabilitation of daily life activities
Choice of technical aids
Improving mobility and transfers
Both inside and outside the home
Choice and setting of the right equipment
Training in the use of the equipment
Support for carers
Information and training for carers to facilitate patient support.
Organization of the living space
Organise the living space to reduce the risk of falls and to provide an accessible and practical living space
Recommendations for adaptations in relation to l'assurance dépendance
Correct positioning to participate in all kind of activities
To relieve pain
to prevent issues like bedsores
Work on memory concentration, attention and execution
Fatigue management
Who can benefit ?

Adults who find themselves unable to carry out their life project due to a pathology an accident or ageing.
car transfer training for a person with reduced mobility or hemiplegia.
Making an action list to prepare a cup of coffee or any other need for a person with cognitive impairment.
Testing an adapted cup for a person with tremors caused by Parkinson's disease.
Walking training with a walker outside for an elderly person with reduced mobility.
Exchanging tips and tricks with the caregiver how to protect their back while helping during a transfer.
Occupational therapy improves participation in meaningful activities of daily living after an accident, illness or ageing.